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Quick Singed Guide

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Quick Singed Guide Empty Quick Singed Guide

Post by Blanket Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:21 pm

in progress

Quick Singed Guide 20100211032659!Singed_OriginalSkin

Opening notes:
A lot of people have asked me how I play Singed, and I decided I could just make a tiny guide on how to play him my way. This was a spur of the moment thing and I'm lazy so don't expect it to be some end-all to Singed guides.

This is also for the people who say to me "they'll never be as good at me at Singed" and think Singed is a hard champion to play in general. In my honest opinion, Singed is not a hard champion to play, he just requires a different mindset. You have to be able to play a little stupid but still know the boundaries of how far you can go before you need to back off. All of it just comes from experience from playing with Singed.

I'll cover basic things like itemization, runes, masteries, and some basic laning tips when playing as Singed.

Singed as a champion:
You may be used to the way I play Singed, where I generally build tank and end up being the tank for the team. Although Singed by design is not intended as a main tank, he can fill the role if needed.

Singed at his core is a disruption champion. He is similar to Udyr, who runs around and stuns everyone repeatedly. His sole job is to mess up the other team's positioning, and to make it hard for enemy carries to be able to do their job by chasing them down.

Often I'm faced with being the last pick on the team with no tanks. Although Singed as a main tank isn't optimal, I've found ways to make it work. This guide is written from the mindset that you're acting as the primary tank on your team.

Singed as a champion is very flexible, there are many ways to build him from runes, items, and even the masteries. A traditional 9/0/21 will work fine on Singed, although it's not a build I prefer.

I personally run 0/15/15. The only reason to go 9 deep into offense is to get the magic pen mastery, which Singed doesn't really make much use of anyways. If you go 15 in defense and utility you'll get more stats and useful masteries than if you went any other combo.

Quick Singed Guide Singedmasteries

Ultimately, you may decide you want to run something different than I do. The only things I think are mandatory on any Singed mastery builds are 15 in utility for the movespeed, which is important on Singed. After movespeed, put at least 6 in defense for the increased armor / magic resistance, which are also very useful.

Runes on Singed is by far the most confusing element about him. I've mained Singed for over 400 games and I still have trouble deciding on a single runepage. Many stats work well with Singed, and you will have to experiment to find a runepage that is suited to your playstyle.

Quick Singed Guide Singedrunes
My current runebook

Currently I run:
- magic pen marks
- flat armor seals
- flat magic resist gylphs
- two flat hp quints, one movespeed quint

For Singed, rune picks vary a lot from person to person. The following is a list of runes I consider strong for Singed.

- magic pen

Really, that's it for marks. You're not getting any penetration from items or masteries or otherwise so at the very least, getting penetration marks would be good. Most other marks aren't very useful on Singed.

- flat armor
- magic resist per level
- mana regen per level
- dodge
- health per level

As you can see, there are quite a few options available for seals. I personally opt for flat armor as they help you in lane when you're harassing people and the creeps are beating on you. Flat armor seals help you take much more damage than you normally would from creeps and autoattacks.

- flat magic resist
- magic resist per level
- mana regen per level

Singed is naturally tanky (his armor easily goes over 150 with just his ult on and no armor items), so you want to prioritize magic resist. You can start by getting a decent flat 13 in glyphs, or 24 if you use scaling resist runes. If you're new to Singed, I'm going to suggest you forget the flat armor or flat magic resist runes in favour for mana regen. Once you learn to manage your mana on Singed, you can drop the mana regen runes for flat resistances.

Here is where you're free to experiment how you like. The three best quintessences for Singed (in my opinion, of course) are flat magic resist, movement speed, and flat health. Other possible choices include flat armor, magic pen, and maybe even ap.

If you're curious, triple movement speed quints with the movespeed mastery will start you off with 344 speed as Singed. With basic boots, this allows you to run as fast as people that have boots 2.

I could go on for pages about the uses of each of his spells, but I'm kinda lazy so I'll just give you short descriptions and what they're useful for.

Quick Singed Guide EmpoweredBulwark
Empowered Bulwark

Singed's passive. Grants you bonus health for every 4 points of mana you have. This passive is the reason that rod of ages is core on Singed.

Quick Singed Guide PoisonTrail
Poison Trail

This will be your core ability. You will use this to hurt people, and to farm. Sometimes both at the same time.

Quick Singed Guide MegaAdhesive
Mega Adhesive

Drops a puddle of goo that slows people. Pretty self explanatory. You can use this to gank, to run away, and to save other allies.

Quick Singed Guide Fling

Singed's signature move. I think this one is pretty simple: fling people into your team for them to kill, and fling people that are hurting your allies away.

Quick Singed Guide InsanityPotion
Insanity Potion

I feel this skill is misunderstood by most people. Most people just think of it like some kind of godmode for Singed without really knowing what it does.

From Wiki: (Active): Singed drinks a potent brew of chemicals, granting him increased combat stats: attack speed %, ability power, armor, movement speed, and regeneration per 5 for 25 seconds.

This skill is really what makes Singed so strong. The armor from his ult ensures he doesn't need many armor items, allowing him to stack hp and magic resist and become an incredible tank. The movespeed helps him catch anyone he wants, and the ability power lets you skimp on ap items and just go tanky. The attack speed percent will also allow Singed to take down a tower from full hp if he is left alone with it.

Item Builds:
Most likely the section most of you are interested in~

As I've said, Singed is a very flexible character. His builds vary quite a lot between players. It should be noted that this guide is written in the context of Singed being the primary tank.

Starting Item:

Quick Singed Guide Doran%27s_ShieldQuick Singed Guide Regrowth_Pendant

Singed should start with something that gives him hp regen so he can lane until he can finish a Catalyst. The two best items for this are Doran's Shield, and Regrowth Pendant. What you take is up to you, but I personally take the shield because 120hp is a huge factor in early game fights. The extra hp buffer allows you to be a little more aggressive than usual, and get kills without dying yourself.

If you plan to get a Force of Nature, you may considering starting with a pendant.


Quick Singed Guide Rod_of_Ages

So, the core build on Singed is pretty simple. A single Rod of Ages. That's it.

Rod of Ages is amazing on Singed for couple reasons. First off, the Catalyst is one of the best early game items. After getting a Catalyst, you can lane for an indefinite amount of time, allowing you to farm up the rest of your Rod of Ages with little trouble and no need to blue pill.

Rod of Ages is also good on Singed due to his passive. Maxed out, it gives 650hp, 725mana, and 80ap. Singed actually gets a total 831hp from this item, making Rod of Ages extremely cost effective.

Although it's tempting to get the wand first, always get the Catalyst first when building your Rod of Ages.


Quick Singed Guide Ninja_TabiQuick Singed Guide Mercury%27s_Treads

If you're TANKING as Singed, these are your only two options. Getting boots of swiftness is a stupid waste of potential armor / magic resist and cc reduction.

Keeping in mind that this is a tankish Singed, after you finish your Rod of Ages and boots, you want to start building tanky right away. Singed naturally has one of the highest armor values in the game when you consider his natural armor gain. If you rune him the same way I do, you'll have over 100 armor with your ult on at level 6.

Your Rod of Ages will also supply you with a healthy amount of health and ap. The only thing lacking right now is your magic resist, which should be hovering around 60-80. So the quick solution to this is to get a single Negatron Cloak.

Quick Singed Guide Negatron_Cloak

After you get a Negatron Cloak, you will have over 2000 hp, and over 100 in each resist at a very early point in the game. This is the point of the game I consider Singed's peak. Once you turn your ult on, you will have a ridiculous amount of mitigation and still be able to dish out a ton of damage between your ult and the ap from Rod of Ages. You will dominate this part of the game for about 10 minutes, and you should take advantage of it to force teamfights that you will win, or just push down as many towers as possible.

Quick Singed Guide Banshee%27s_VeilQuick Singed Guide Randuin%27s_Omen
God Tier Items

After your Negatron Cloak, you just want to keep stacking resistances and health so you can be as tanky as possible. In a normal game, I will finish up a Banshee's from the cloak I got earlier, and then start building towards a Randuin.

If you're wondering why specifically Banshee's and Randuin's, it's because items that have both health and mitigation will give you more effective health. Banshee's will give you even more health because mana is one of the stats. I usually sneak another cloak sometime between finishing the Banshee's, and before I finish the Randuin.

With all these items, you will total well over 3000 health, 200+ armor with your ult on, and around 170 magic resist as well.

Late Game:
Once late game hits, you start to become less useful. No matter what items you get, if you get focused, you're going to die. It's crucial that you don't randomly dive into their team just to start a teamfight, and to be smart about your play.

You should still have a Negatron Cloak from earlier that hasn't been built into anything. It's up to you to decide what you need, but Abyssal Scepter and Force of Nature are both strong choices.

Quick Singed Guide Abyssal_ScepterQuick Singed Guide Force_of_Nature

So at this point you have your boots, Rod of Ages, Banshee's, Randuin's, and Abyssal/Force of Nature. This leaves you with one item slot, which you should be filling up with red and blue elixirs at this point in the game. Once you have enough money to buy another item in one go, you can choose from one of these.

Quick Singed Guide Guardian_AngelQuick Singed Guide Rylai%27s_Crystal_ScepterQuick Singed Guide ThornmailQuick Singed Guide Zhonya%27s_RingQuick Singed Guide Frozen_HeartQuick Singed Guide Lich_Bane

It doesn't really matter what you choose, but I generally opt for a Guardian Angel or a Rylai's. Rylai's is basically a red and blue elixir put in one that is permanent and gives you an aoe slow with your poison which is quite useful. I get Guardian if I think the game-ending teamfight is coming up soon and I could use the revive.

Last edited by Blanket on Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:15 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Quick Singed Guide Empty Re: Quick Singed Guide

Post by Blanket Tue Sep 14, 2010 12:52 am


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Quick Singed Guide Empty Re: Quick Singed Guide

Post by pielord Tue Sep 14, 2010 1:11 am

then why?...

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Quick Singed Guide Empty Re: Quick Singed Guide

Post by KennethJT Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:51 pm masteries are messed up 0_o.
I run 9/0/21 with Magic Penetration, dodge, health quints, and flat mana (early game).

I guess Rylai's isn't exactly 'core' per say, but it's a great item when fused with poison trail. I dunno what to get early game though, normally just Regrowth pendant if the other team has some or alot of Ap (I love the regeneration and movement bonus) or sometimes if they have no Ap I just get Doran's Shield.

And for summoner spells I guess cleanse and ghost?

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Quick Singed Guide Empty Re: Quick Singed Guide

Post by Blanket Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:44 am

Regrowth statistically gives you much more health regen compared to doran's shield, but the extra hp is so crucial early game on Singed when you're trying to get kills. The extra armor and hp lets you chase people around their own creeps without getting too dangerously low.

Rylai's I just think of as a Rod of Ages with a slow. It's quite a decent item for Singed, but I personally like to stack resists and then get a rylai last. The slow proc on poison is quite useful though.

Ghost is mandatory, the other spell is up to you. Recently I've been running teleport cause it lets you lane and push extremely easily. I've started running mejais sometimes too, and I'll get flash if I do to protect my stacks.

I'll finish the rest this weekend or something.

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Quick Singed Guide Empty Re: Quick Singed Guide

Post by JOE Sat Sep 18, 2010 5:49 pm

i think you left out that it helps if you play as blanket.

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Quick Singed Guide Empty Re: Quick Singed Guide

Post by Blanket Sat Sep 18, 2010 6:55 pm

JOE wrote:i think you left out that it helps if you play as dyrus.


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Quick Singed Guide Empty Re: Quick Singed Guide

Post by KennethJT Sun Sep 19, 2010 6:51 pm

Blanket wrote:
JOE wrote:i think you left out that it helps if you play as dyrus.

Uhh...who is Dyrus?

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